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What Happens at the Naval Academy Ring Dance?

I've heard about the Naval Academy Ring Dance, but what exactly is it? Is it a significant tradition or just a fun event? How do students prepare for it, and who gets to attend?

16 days ago

The United States Naval Academy Ring Dance is indeed a significant tradition that takes place at the end of the junior year (also known as 2nd Class year). It signals the arrival of the midshipmen's senior year (1st Class year). This formal dance is akin to a prom, and it's a cherished event in the Naval Academy community.

One of the most notable parts of the Ring Dance is the ‘Ring Dance Ceremony’. During this ceremony, midshipmen receive their class rings, representing the completion of their third year at the academy. Before the ceremony, these rings are dipped in a bowl known as the 'waters of the seven seas', which contains water collected from the significant waters of the world. This tradition symbolizes the travels of previous Naval Academy graduates around the globe.

Students often prepare for the dance by purchasing formal wear and planning transportation to the event. The attendees traditionally include graduating midshipmen and their invited guests. There is, however, a selection process for overseas midshipmen and students from other military academies.

In terms of preparation as the date draws closer, midshipmen are usually involved in planning committee to organize the details of the event. Also, it's quite common for attending students to acquire formal dress; women typically wear long gowns, while men dress in their dinner dress uniforms.

Keep in mind, just like most traditions, there may be some variances in the specifics of the Ring Dance from year to year, but the general ethos remains the same: it's a night of celebration, remembrance, and looking forward to their upcoming responsibilities as officers.

16 days ago

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