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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is Pre-Med a bachelor's degree?

Hey everyone, I'm thinking about pursuing a pre-med track in college. However, I'm a bit confused about the distinction between pre-med and a bachelor's degree. Is pre-med considered a bachelor's degree or just a specific pathway within a degree? Thanks for any clarification!

11 months ago

Hello! You raise a great question about the pre-med track. To clarify, pre-med is not a bachelor's degree in itself, but rather a specific pathway or set of courses within a degree program. Pre-med is designed to prepare students for medical school and usually involves taking foundational science courses such as biology, chemistry, physics, and other related coursework like biochemistry and organic chemistry.

As a pre-med student, you can actually major in any subject while still completing the required pre-med coursework. For example, you could major in English, art, or history while on the pre-med track, as long as you also complete the necessary science courses. Many students opt to major in a science-related field, such as biology or chemistry, since the required courses often overlap with pre-med requirements. Hopefully, this clarifies the distinction between pre-med and a bachelor's degree for you!

11 months ago

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