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Modern Languages degree—is it worth it?

I'm considering pursuing a modern languages degree. Does anyone here have experience with this career path? What kind of job opportunities are available, and is it worth it in the long run?

a year ago

Hey there! Pursuing a modern languages degree is certainly an interesting choice for those who are passionate about languages and cultures. As far as job opportunities go, there are various fields where your skills would be appreciated, such as translation and interpreting, teaching, international relations, tourism or hospitality industry, and many more.

Your language skills can also give you a competitive edge in professional roles like marketing, sales, or consulting when working with international clients and markets.

Like with any career path, the value and return on investment depend largely on your individual interests, dedication, and how resourceful you are in leveraging the skills and experiences you gain during your studies. A good approach would be to combine your language degree with internships, study abroad experiences, and networking opportunities to better prepare yourself for the job market upon graduation.

In conclusion, if you are truly passionate about languages and willing to put in the effort to develop your skills and connections, a modern languages degree can be a rewarding choice in the long run. Good luck!

a year ago

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