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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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MIT High School Summer Program: Worth it?

I've been looking into MIT's high school summer program. I think it would be cool to experience MIT early, but is it worth the cost? Has anyone here participated and can share their experience?

11 months ago

Hey there! Attending a pre-college summer program like MIT's can be a fantastic opportunity for a variety of reasons. It allows you to explore the campus, meet peers with similar interests, and potentially engage in hands-on research or learning in your chosen field. However, you should weigh the benefits against the costs, as these programs can be quite pricey.

One thing to consider is that attending summer programs at prestigious schools doesn't guarantee admission to those schools. That being said, it can still be valuable in terms of personal growth, networking, and showcasing your passion for the subject matter.

As for specific experiences, many students report having enjoyed their time there and feeling that they gained valuable experiences. It's essential to make the most of any program by actively participating, creating connections, and learning from the opportunities presented.

Lastly, consider looking into financial aid or scholarships that may be available for the program you're interested in, as this could help offset the costs. Weigh your options carefully and consider what you hope to gain from the program before making your decision.

You could also consider other opportunities, such as local research internships or summer programs at other institutions, to find the best fit for you. Good luck!

11 months ago

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