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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is the National Honor Society for High School Scholars legit?

Hey guys! I got an invitation to join the National Honor Society for High School Scholars (NHSHS). I've heard of the regular National Honor Society, but not this one. Is it legitimate and worth joining? Any insights would be really helpful.

a year ago

Hey there! The National Honor Society you're referring to is not the same as the regular National Honor Society (NHS), which you might be more familiar with. The National Honor Society for High School Scholars (NHSHS) is a separate organization, and while it is a legitimate group, it's generally not as well regarded as NHS.

Before you decide to join, you should consider what you hope to gain from it. If you're joining for the potential scholarships or networking opportunities, make sure to research what NHSHS specifically offers. Additionally, take into account that some college admissions officers might not view NHSHS with the same weight as other extracurricular activities or honors.

If you're already a member of National Honor Society or if you are involved in other prominent clubs and community service activities, joining NHSHS might not be as beneficial. Ultimately, it's up to you to evaluate if it aligns with your goals and interests.

a year ago

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