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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Choosing between Notre Dame and Boston College

Hey, guys! I got accepted to both Notre Dame and Boston College, but I'm really struggling to decide which one to attend. Can anyone help me weigh the pros and cons of each institution? Personal experiences or opinions would be super helpful. Thanks!

11 months ago

Congratulations on your acceptances! Both Notre Dame and Boston College are excellent schools, but they do have some differences to consider.

First, let's look at location. Notre Dame is situated in a smaller college town (South Bend, Indiana), while Boston College is located in a major metropolitan area (Boston, Massachusetts). It's essential to think about which type of environment you would feel most comfortable in and the opportunities that come with each setting.

Academically, both universities offer strong programs, but they may have slightly different strengths depending on your major or area of interest. It's important to research the reputation and available resources within your intended field of study at each school.

Campus culture is another crucial aspect to consider. Notre Dame is known for its strong sense of community and spirited sports culture. Meanwhile, Boston College is often recognized for its Jesuit tradition and service-oriented mindset. Reflect on which atmosphere aligns with your values and interests.

Ultimately, it would be very helpful to visit both campuses (if possible) and talk to current students to get a feel for the distinctive experiences they offer. Best of luck in your decision!

11 months ago

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