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Best approaches for ACT English passages?

Hi guys! I'm a junior who's studying for the ACT, and I'd love some advice on how to approach the English passages. What are some useful ways to navigate these passages and improve my score?

a year ago

Hey! It's awesome that you're focusing on the ACT English section. One of the most important things to keep in mind is to stay organized while reading the passages, as time management is crucial for success on the ACT. Here are a few strategies to consider:

1. Skim and underline: As you skim the passage, underline keywords, phrases, and main ideas. This will help you understand the passage's overall structure and argument, and it'll make it easier to find specific details when answering questions.

2. Read the questions first: By having an idea of what you'll be asked, you can target your reading and hone in on crucial parts of the passage more efficiently.

3. Eliminate wrong choices: Often, the ACT English section provides answer choices that are clearly incorrect or irrelevant. Practice eliminating these choices to narrow down potential correct answers.

4. Grammar: Brush up on common grammar rules and punctuation, as the test often asks questions related to these topics. Familiarize yourself with subject-verb agreement, transitions, and sentence structure.

5. Practice, practice, practice: The more you work on ACT English practice passages, the better you'll become at identifying patterns, traps, and strategies that work best for you.

Don't forget to regularly review your progress and focus on areas that need improvement. Best of luck with your test prep!

a year ago

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