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Need info on California grants and scholarships for college

What are some good grants and scholarships offered by California for college students? I'm trying to compile a list to see what I might be eligible for as I plan my applications.

12 days ago

California offers a variety of state-funded grants and scholarships that you may be eligible for. Here are some notable programs:

1. Cal Grant: These are the most popular and often the most generous. There are several types of Cal Grants but the main three are Cal Grant A, B, and C. Cal Grant A is for four-year institutions and covers tuition and fees. Cal Grant B provides a living allowance and tuition assistance for low-income students. Cal Grant C offers funding to students pursuing vocational or career technical education.

2. Middle-Class Scholarship: This is awarded to middle-income students attending CSU or UC campuses and covers up to 23% of fees and tuition not already covered by other grants.

3. Chafee Grant: This is for current or former foster youth, and grants up to $5,000 a year.

4. California National Guard Education Assistance Award Program (CNG EAAP): This is specifically for students who are members of the California National Guard, State Military Reserve, or the Naval Militia. It can cover up to 100% of the Cal State or UC tuition and fees.

5. Law Enforcement Personnel Dependents Grant Program (LEPD): This provides need-based educational grants to dependents and spouses of California police officers, firefighters, etc., who have been killed or totally disabled in the course of duty.

While these are state-specific programs, don't forget to fill out the FAFSA to be considered for federal grants as well, such as the Pell Grant. Also, each college may offer its own scholarships based on need, merit, or other characteristics, so make sure to look into the opportunities at the colleges you're applying to. Finally, private scholarships can come from companies, non-profits, religious groups, and many other sources, so it's worth exploring these avenues too.

Remember to keep track of deadlines for these funding sources, as they vary. It takes some effort to apply for funding, but the benefits can significantly offset the costs of a college education. Good luck with your applications!

12 days ago

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