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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Effective ACT Reading Strategies?

Hey all! I'm struggling with the ACT Reading section and could use some guidance. What strategies have you used to improve your score? Any reading materials you found particularly helpful? Thanks so much!

a year ago

Hey there! I can understand the challenge of tackling the ACT Reading section. To improve your score, here are a couple of strategies that you can try:

1. Read the questions first: Knowing the questions before reading the passage can help you identify the information you're looking for more effectively.

2. Skim the passage: Instead of reading each passage word-by-word, skim through it to get a general idea of the topic, tone, and organization.

3. Identify keywords: While skimming, underline or make a mental note of any keywords, names, dates, or main ideas that stand out.

4. Use process of elimination: If you're unsure of an answer, eliminate any options that seem incorrect or irrelevant to narrow down your choices.

5. Practice: Complete practice tests and timed passages to get comfortable with the pacing of the test.

As for reading materials, utilizing ACT prep resources like the Official ACT Prep Guide or Khan Academy can be helpful. Remember, practice is key to improving your score! Best of luck!

a year ago

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