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ACT Science section: how to focus on reading?

Hey everyone, I've been having some trouble staying focused when reading the ACT science section passages. Do you guys have any tips or strategies for maintaining focus while tackling this part of the test? I want to improve my performance and minimize careless mistakes.

11 months ago

Hi there! It's quite common for students to have difficulty staying focused during the ACT science section, so don't worry too much. I have a few suggestions that might help you out while approaching these passages.

First, try to actively engage with the content by taking quick notes or underlining key points as you read. This will not only help you stay focused but also make it easier to refer back to important information when you're answering questions.

Another approach is to skim the passage initially for an overall understanding, and then dive into the questions. Quite often, you'll find that many questions can be answered without referring back to the passage, or with just a quick glance. This also keeps you more engaged with the task.

Also, consider taking short breaks during your practice sessions to restore your focus. Maintaining focus during a long exam can be tough, so try doing practice sessions that are broken into smaller sections with breaks in between.

Lastly, as you practice, your reading comprehension and focus will naturally improve, so stay consistent with your practice and performance will follow. Good luck with your test prep!

11 months ago

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