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Need inspiration for persuasive speech topics

I have a speech assignment coming up in my English class and I need to choose a persuasive topic. What are some interesting and engaging topics that you guys have used or heard of? I'm looking for something that's not overused and can grab my audience's attention!

11 months ago

It's always good to choose a topic you're passionate about or something that'll spark your classmates' interest. Here are some unique and engaging topics that might inspire you for your persuasive speech assignment:

1. Expanding the role of technology for mental health support.

2. The importance of media literacy in the age of misinformation.

3. Sustainable living as the key to combating climate change.

4. Space exploration and its potential impact on human society.

5. Universal basic income and its effects on poverty and unemployment.

Remember, whichever topic you choose, make sure to research it thoroughly and present convincing arguments backed by evidence. It's also crucial to engage with counterarguments and showcase your ability to think critically. Good luck with your speech assignment!

11 months ago

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