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NHS and college admissions

How much impact does being a member of the National Honor Society have on college admissions? Do colleges really care or is it just another extracurricular to add to my application?

a year ago

Membership in the National Honor Society (NHS) can be a positive addition to your application, as it demonstrates academic achievement, dedication, and good character. However, it's important to remember that NHS is a fairly common accomplishment, and many applicants will have it listed on their resumes.

While participating in NHS can be a valuable experience, it's usually considered a Tier 3 extracurricular activity in the context of college admissions, meaning that while it is an accomplishment, it's relatively common and might not make you stand out in comparison to other applicants. Instead, colleges are likely to be more impressed by unique achievements, leadership roles, or involvement in activities that showcase your passions and interests on a deeper level.

That being said, being part of the National Honor Society is certainly not a negative, and it contributes to demonstrating your commitment to academic excellence and service. Just keep in mind that it's important to complement your NHS involvement with other activities that highlight your unique qualities and help you stand out as an applicant.

a year ago

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