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Transfer student evaluations: what do universities look for?

Hey everyone, I'm considering transferring to another college. Can anyone tell me what universities typically look for in a transfer student? Do they prioritize GPA, extracurriculars, or something else? Any tips would be super helpful. Thanks!

11 months ago

Hey there! When evaluating transfer applicants, colleges do prioritize your college GPA since it's a strong indicator of how you'll perform academically at their institution. But that's not the only important factor. Admissions committees will also consider the rigor of the courses you've taken, your reason for transferring, and how well you can show fit with the institution (like sharing common values, interests, and goals).

Extracurriculars can also be important, especially if you've been involved in activities that are relevant to your major or future career. While they may not hold the same weight as your GPA, these experiences can help you stand out from other candidates and showcase your dedication to your growth and learning.

Don't forget to submit strong letters of recommendation, ideally from professors who can speak to your abilities in a classroom setting. Lastly, invest time in crafting a well-written, compelling transfer essay that demonstrates your motivation for transferring and how you see yourself thriving at the new institution.

Best of luck with your transfer application! Let me know if you have any more questions.

11 months ago

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