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Scholarships at Manhattan College for International Students

I'm an international student considering applying to Manhattan College. Does anyone know what scholarship opportunities are available for international students there? I want to make sure I understand my potential financial aid options before applying.

10 days ago

Manhattan College offers a few different scholarships for international students.

Firstly, there's the Lasallian Scholarship which is an academic scholarship awarded to first-year students based on your high school GPA. It ranges from $10,000 to $25,000 per year and automatically renews as long as you maintain a 2.5 college GPA.

Similarly, there is the President's Scholarship, which is based on your academic achievements. It can range from $5,000 to $15,000 annually, and for renewal, a 2.5 college GPA must be maintained.

Lastly, international students can also apply for the Catholic High School Grant, a $2,000 annual scholarship given to graduates of a Catholic high school. This scholarship is stackable with other Manhattan College scholarships and grants.

Just remember, these scholarships are awarded at the time of admission and cover only a portion of the total cost of attendance. You should definitely also look into external scholarship opportunities. And don't forget to use the net price calculator on Manhattan College's website to get an estimate of what you might be expected to pay out of pocket.

Highly selective private scholarships, like the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation scholarship, are open to international students. See if you are eligible to apply for any of them. Good luck!

10 days ago

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