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Scholarships available in Tennessee for college students?

I'm from Tennessee and trying to figure out what scholarships I can apply to as a college student here. Are there any state-specific scholarships that I should definitely know about? Would love to hear about your experiences too!

10 days ago

There are several scholarships available for students attending college in Tennessee that you should consider applying for. The Tennessee Hope Scholarship is a popular one, and it's for high school seniors who are enrolling in an eligible post-secondary institution in Tennessee. It's awarded based on academic merit, and students must maintain a minimum GPA while they're in college to keep receiving the scholarship.

Another one is the Ned McWherter Scholars Program, targeting top students from across Tennessee. This scholarship is competitive and to be eligible, students must hold a minimum 3.75 GPA and an ACT composite score of at least 32.

Tennessee also provides a scholarship opportunity for students seeking degrees in teaching. The Tennessee Teaching Scholars Program, for instance, is available for students who commit to teaching in a Tennessee public school for a specific period after graduation.

Apart from these, Tennessee also offers an array of local and statewide scholarships to students attending colleges within the state. Some scholarships are for students pursuing specific degrees, such as the Tennessee Society of Certified Public Accountants Scholarship for those studying accounting.

Several organizations and foundations in Tennessee also offer scholarships based on merit, need, or specific individual qualities. For example, the Scarlett Family Foundation Scholarships are offered to students in specific mid-state counties, particularly those pursuing degrees in business.

Please keep in mind to check the eligibility criteria and deadlines for each scholarship you plan to apply to. Wishing you luck on your scholarship search!

10 days ago

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