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Rice supplemental essays

Hey everyone! I'm starting to work on my Rice University application, and I'm a bit unsure about how to approach the supplemental essays. Can any current Rice students or recent applicants share some tips or advice on what the admissions committee is looking for in these essays?

a year ago

Hey! Congrats on starting your Rice University application! When it comes to supplemental essays, it's important to be genuine and thoughtful in your responses. I'm sharing some general tips that could help you as you approach these essays:

1. Use specific examples: Make sure to include anecdotes and specific examples from your life or extracurricular activities. This will not only make your essays more engaging but also show the admissions committee how you'll uniquely contribute to campus life.

2. Research Rice: Familiarize yourself with Rice's offerings and student culture. Incorporate this knowledge into your essays to show that you've done your homework and understand what makes Rice special. This could include discussing specific programs you're interested in or elements of the campus culture that appeal to you.

3. Be genuine and authentic: Be yourself and let your personality shine through in your essays. Avoid trying to impress the admissions committee with what you think they want to hear. Instead, be honest about your interests, passions, and experiences.

4. Revise and edit: Give yourself plenty of time to revise and edit your essays, so they convey your ideas effectively. Ask a teacher, parent or friend for feedback on clarity, content, and grammar. Make sure your essays are polished before you submit them.

Remember, Rice's supplemental essays are an opportunity to showcase your enthusiasm for the school and share more about your personal experiences. Keep these tips in mind as you write, and good luck with your application!

a year ago

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