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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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SAT and ACT Test Date Planning Advice?

Hey guys! I'm trying to plan my SAT and ACT test dates, and I'm not sure what the optimal strategy is. How far apart should I space the tests to ensure I have enough time to prep and not feel too overwhelmed? Any advice or personal experiences would be appreciated, thanks!

a year ago

Hey there! Figuring out the best SAT and ACT test dates can definitely be confusing. Generally, it's a good idea to start testing during your junior year, so that you have enough time to retake them if needed before college applications are due.

One approach would be to take the SAT in the winter or early spring and the ACT in the late spring or early summer. This way, you can dedicate a couple of months to prepare for each test, with some buffer time in between.

For instance, if you take the SAT in March, you could then allocate April and May for ACT prep and take the test in June. This schedule allows you to separate your test prep for each exam, and focus on their respective strategies and content areas. In addition, if you find that you need to retake one of them, you can do that in the fall of your senior year.

Make sure to consider your academic workload, extracurriculars, and any other commitments when planning test dates, as they might affect your preparation time and overall stress. Good luck, and I hope you find the best testing strategy for you!

a year ago

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