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Where can I find the best scholarships for Arizona colleges?

I'm thinking about staying in Arizona for college and it would be awesome to find scholarships specific to the state. What are some of the best scholarships for college in Arizona?

a month ago

There are several noteworthy scholarships available specifically for students who plan to attend college in Arizona.

1. The Flinn Scholarship: This is a prestigious scholarship that provides comprehensive financial support covering tuition, fees, room and board and at least two study-abroad experiences. The scholarship is funded by the Flinn Foundation and is awarded to high-achieving Arizona high school seniors.

2. The Nina Mason Pulliam Legacy Scholars Program: This program supports Maricopa University students who are either adults who are physically disabled, young adults who are exiting foster care, or family members who are dependents of deceased, disabled, or retired Arizona Public Service (APS) employees.

3. The Dorrance Scholarship Programs: These scholarships are available to Arizona high school seniors who are first-generation college students. In addition to a scholarship, Dorrance Scholars also receive a funded study abroad experience.

4. The Arizona Community Foundation: The ACF awards over $2 million in scholarships annually. They offer multiple scholarships with varying criteria - some for certain fields of study, financial need, academic performance, etc.

Remember that it's important to start your scholarship search early and to apply for as many scholarships as you can. Make sure to pay close attention to all the application requirements and to submit everything by the stated deadlines. Good luck with your scholarship hunt!

a month ago

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