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What are the best scholarships for Ohio college students?

I'm from Ohio and planning to attend college here. I'm hoping to find scholarships specifically for Ohio students that can help with tuition. Does anyone have recommendations for where to look or specific scholarships to apply for?

9 days ago

There are actually quite a few scholarships available specifically for students in Ohio, ranging from academic, need-based, to specialized scholarships. Here are a few examples:

1. Ohio College Opportunity Grant (OCOG): This is a need-based grant from the state of Ohio, available for students with the highest financial need who are enrolled at Ohio public colleges or universities, Ohio private, non-profit colleges or universities, and Ohio private, for-profit institutions.

2. Frank O'Brien Papenbrock Scholarship: Offered by the Cleveland Foundation, this scholarship is intended for Greater Cleveland high school seniors who plan to major in a field relevant to science, technology, engineering, or mathematics.

3. Robert A. Leonard Charitable Trust Scholarship: This scholarship is given to graduating seniors from any high school in Cuyahoga, Lake, or Geauga county with a 2.5 GPA and plan to pursue studies in visual or performing arts, architecture or environmental science.

4. The Ohio State University Land Grant Opportunity Scholarship: This is a competitive scholarship that covers full cost of attendance at OSU. It's awarded to students from each of Ohio's 88 counties.

5. Beat the Odds Program - Stand for Children Leadership Center Ohio: This program offers scholarships to Ohio students who have overcome significant adversity to achieve academic excellence.

6. Choose Ohio First Scholarship Program: This state program offers scholarships to Ohio residents that are either in their final year of high school or currently in college. You have to be pursuing a degree in STEM or STEM education.

7. The Roothbert Fund Scholarships: While not strictly only for Ohio students, this scholarship fund does prefer applicants who are residents of the Mid-Atlantic and Midwestern states, including Ohio.

Remember to look not only at statewide scholarships, but also ones offered by individual colleges, local communities, and organizations related to your field of study. Take into account both the requirements and the deadlines for each scholarship, and try to prioritize the ones you have the strongest chance of winning.

9 days ago

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