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Philippine Government Scholarship for College Students: Need Info

Does anyone know how the Philippine government scholarships work for college students? I'm interested in applying and curious about the requirements and application process. Any tips would be extremely helpful!

9 days ago

The Philippine government offers a wide variety of scholarships for undergraduate students, each with its own specific set of eligibility criteria and application procedures. One common government-funded scholarship is the State Scholarship Program (SSP) offered by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED).

The SSP is designed for students who demonstrate high academic performance and is meant to cover tuition and other school fees. To qualify, an applicant must be a high school graduate, have good moral character, pass the CHED screening process, and must not be more than 30 years of age at the time of application. In terms of academic requirements, applicants must be among the top ten of their graduating class.

The application process generally includes filling out an application form provided by CHED, which requires submitting academic records, a certificate of good moral character, a birth certificate, and income tax returns or certificate of tax exemption from the parent/s or guardian. Applicants may need to undergo an interview or exam as part of the screening process.

Once awarded the SSP, scholars need to maintain a general weighted average of at least a 'B' or its equivalent for every term to keep the scholarship. The scholarship covers tuition and other school fees plus a stipend for books, supplies, and other education-related spending.

Each scholarship may have its own unique requirements and processes. Therefore, I would recommend you check the specific scholarship you’re interested in to understand the detailed requirements and procedures. It's key to check on deadlines and to carefully prepare your application material, making sure that everything is complete and submitted on time.

Remember to start the application process as soon as possible to avoid any insurmountable issues and take your time to ensure that the information you're submitting is accurate and represents you well. Good luck in your scholarship application!

9 days ago

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