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Common College Essay Mistakes?

Hey y'all! I'm getting started on my college essays, and I'm wondering if anybody knows what some common mistakes are that I should avoid when writing them? Thanks in advance!

a year ago

Hey there! It's wonderful that you're working on your college essays. I've got some tips on common mistakes to avoid:

1. Writing a generic essay: Make your essay unique and showcase your personality, experiences, and perspective. Avoid clichéd topics or, if you still want to write on those, find a unique angle.

2. Not following the prompt: Be sure to keep your essay focused and directly address the prompt provided by the college.

3. Trying to impress with big words: Use language that comes naturally to you and prioritize clarity. No need to look up fancy words or write complex sentences just for the sake of it.

4. Typos and grammatical errors: Proofread your essay multiple times, and ask friends or family members to review it. It's important to show your attention to detail.

5. Being overly negative or complaining: Focus on personal growth, lessons learned, and conveying your ability to overcome challenges. Avoid dwelling on negative aspects.

6. Waiting until the last minute: Give yourself plenty of time to brainstorm, write, and revise, so that your essay truly reflects your best work.

Good luck with your essays!

a year ago

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