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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What ACT English prep books do you recommend?

I'm hoping to find some solid ACT English prep books to help me raise my score. Which books did you find most helpful for this section of the test?

a year ago

Hey there! From my experience and from what I've heard from my peers, the following books can be really helpful in your preparation:

1. The Official ACT Prep Guide: This book is published by ACT themselves, so it contains real test questions and offers an accurate representation of the test format and difficulty.

2. Erica Meltzer's 'The Complete Guide to ACT English': This book does a great job of breaking down English topics and provides effective strategies to tackle various question types.

3. McGraw-Hill's '10 ACT Practice Tests': Although this book covers all sections of the ACT, it provides ample practice opportunities with 10 full-length practice tests to help you hone your skills.

Keep in mind that practicing regularly and analyzing your mistakes are just as important as using these books. You might also consider using free online resources like CollegeVine or joining a study group to complement your preparation. Good luck!

a year ago

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