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National Merit Commended Scholar: Is it worth mentioning on college applications?

I recently became a National Merit Commended Scholar, and I'm super stoked! Just wondering if it's worth mentioning this on my college applications? Does it hold any weight with admissions officers?

a year ago

Congratulations on becoming a National Merit Commended Scholar! That's an impressive accomplishment. It's definitely worth mentioning on your college applications, as it highlights your academic achievements and can bolster your profile. It provides further evidence of your strong test-taking skills, and colleges appreciate students who challenge themselves academically.

While it may not carry as much weight as being a National Merit Semifinalist or Finalist, being a Commended Scholar still differentiates you from other applicants and indicates your dedication to academics. It won't guarantee you a spot at a highly selective college by itself, but it can be one of the many factors that contribute to a well-rounded application.

When completing your application, look for a section where you can list honors and achievements, and make sure to include your National Merit Commended Scholar status there. In addition, if you have any essays or extracurriculars related to your academic pursuits or achievements, your National Merit status could be incorporated into those narratives as well.

Best of luck with your college applications! Keep up the good work!

a year ago

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