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Is it worth retaking an AP exam?

Hey guys, I didn't do as well as I hoped on one of my AP exams last year. I'm wondering if it's worth retaking the exam to try to get a better score or if I should just focus on new AP classes. What would be the implications for college applications and college credit? Any advice would help!

a year ago

Hi there! It's understandable that you might be disappointed by your AP score and considering a retake. However, it's worth noting that AP scores don't play a significant role in college admissions. Colleges are more focused on the AP courses you take and the grades you receive in them, as they demonstrate your course rigor.

Instead of retaking the AP exam, it might be more beneficial to concentrate on new AP classes you're interested in, perform well in those courses, and participate in relevant extracurricular activities. This approach can make your college application more well-rounded and can showcase your drive and expertise in certain subjects.

Regarding college credit, AP exam retakes might result in earning a higher score that meets specific college credit requirements. However, retaking an AP exam takes a significant amount of time and study effort, so it's up to you to weigh the potential gains against the required investment. In summary, while there can be benefits to retaking an AP exam, it may be more advantageous to focus on new AP classes and showcasing your strengths in other areas.

a year ago

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