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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Chance of getting into Oxford?

Hey everyone! I'm really interested in applying to Oxford, but I'm not sure what my chances are. Has anyone successfully applied to Oxford and can give me some advice on what they're looking for in students? Thanks!

a year ago

Hey there! It's awesome that you're considering Oxford! While I can't provide exact chances, I'm happy to offer some advice on what the university tends to look for in applicants.

Oxford is highly selective, and they place heavy emphasis on academic performance. You'll need a strong academic record (high GPA, top class ranking) and excellent exam results (like A-Levels, IB Diploma, or relevant standardized test scores). It's also important to demonstrate a deep passion for your chosen subject, as demonstrated by extracurricular activities or other achievements in your chosen field. Oxford values candidates who possess intellectual curiosity and the ability to think critically.

In addition to your grades and exam scores, you'll be required to submit a personal statement. In this statement, try to highlight your unique experiences, passions, and accomplishments that relate to your chosen field of study. Be authentic and genuine as you portray why you'd be a great fit for Oxford.

You may also need to submit written work or take an admissions assessment (depending on your chosen course). These are great opportunities to showcase your subject expertise and your dedication to learning.

Finally, if you're shortlisted, you'll undergo an interview process, typically with faculty members in your specific department. Prepare by staying up to date on current events in your subject field, practicing articulating your thoughts succinctly, and reviewing the concepts you'll need to discuss during your interview.

Keep in mind that while I can provide general advice, Oxford's expectations might vary depending on your specific program. I recommend checking out their website for more targeted guidance. Wishing you the best of luck with your application!

a year ago

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