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What are some scholarship opportunities for underserved communities heading to college?

I'm curious about scholarships specifically for students from underserved backgrounds. Are there any reliable sources or specific programs I should be looking into as I prepare for college applications?

29 days ago

Absolutely, there are several scholarship programs out there designed to help students from underserved communities. These are often aimed at lowering financial barriers for students who may have been historically disadvantaged or lacked access to the same educational opportunities. Remember, when applying for scholarships, be diligent and ensure the application adheres to the precise requirements set by the funding organization.

1. Gates Scholarship: This is one of the most generous scholarships and is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. It covers the full cost of attendance that is not already covered by other financial aid and is specifically for high achieving, low-income minority students.

2. UNCF Scholarships: The United Negro College Fund (UNCF) provides a number of scholarships for African American students. Some scholarships are specific to particular regions or schools, while others, like the UNCF General Scholarship, are open to all African American students.

3. The Dream.US National Scholarship: This scholarship is for DREAMers who are DACA or TPS recipients and who will be first time college students or community college graduates. The awards can cover up to $14,500 for an associate degree or $29,000 for a bachelor's.

4. Hispanic Scholarship Fund: This is a generous scholarship aimed at assisting students of Hispanic heritage. It offers awards from $500 to $5000 based on relative need, considering the recipient's tuition, academic qualifications, and other factors.

5. Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College Scholarship: This scholarship is for high-achieving high school seniors with financial need. It provides up to $40,000 per year to attend a four-year accredited undergraduate institution.

Lastly, use Appily as a starting point for your scholarship search. It consolidates a wide variety of scholarships including those for underrepresented groups. Remember, every little bit helps when it comes to paying for college, so apply for as many scholarships as you can. Good luck with your college journey!

29 days ago

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