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College Scholarships for Gluten Intolerance

Does anyone know of scholarships available for students with gluten intolerance? I've been managing my condition throughout high school and would love any financial aid opportunities linked to this. Any tips or personal experiences would be super helpful!

9 days ago

There are actually several scholarships dedicated to students dealing with celiac disease or gluten intolerance:

1. Beyond Celiac offers the "Beyond Celiac College Scholarship" which awards the applicant $5,000 to use for their education. This scholarship is open to incoming freshmen with a medically diagnosed gluten-related disorder who will be attending an accredited US-based two- or four-year college.

2. Celiac Disease Foundation has a "CDF Student Ambassador Program" where selected ambassadors are awarded a $1,000 scholarship.

3. Gluten Intolerance Group (GIG) also offers scholarships on their regional or local branches. Be sure to check the nearest to you.

In addition, don't limit yourself to only scholarships geared towards gluten intolerance. Look for broader scholarships for students with chronic illnesses or disabilities. There are numerous scholarships in these categories available, and you can find them via the financial aid office at your university, through dedicated scholarship search tools, or at organizations aimed at helping students with disabilities succeed in college.

Keep in mind that each scholarship will have different criteria for eligibility, deadlines, and requirements, so be sure to familiarize yourself with these details. Always remember to apply to as many scholarships as you're eligible for to increase your chances of receiving financial aid. Good luck!

9 days ago

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