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How to Find Scholarships for College Students in Tennessee?

I'm a high school junior from Tennessee, and I'm starting to look into scholarships for college. Does anyone have tips or resources specifically for scholarships available to students in TN? Want to make the most of local opportunities.

8 days ago

Sure, there are quite many resources and scholarships specifically meant for students in Tennessee! Let's dig in!

Firstly, you can check out the Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation (TSAC). They provide information on state-sponsored scholarships and grants, including the Tennessee HOPE Scholarship, Tennessee Promise, and the Tennessee Student Assistance Award. The HOPE Scholarship is a potentially large merit-based scholarship that requires a minimum 3.0 GPA. The Tennessee Promise Scholarship provides last-dollar funding (covering what federal and state aid doesn't) for eligible students attending a community or technical college.

Then there are location-specific initiatives. For instance, if you're from Knox County or Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools, the TN Achieves Scholarship (part of the TN Promise program) mentorship program might be of interest.

Further, make sure to check specific scholarships offered by the colleges in Tennessee where you're planning to apply. For example, the University of Tennessee has the Volunteer Scholarship, intended for in-state students, and Vanderbilt University has the Ingram Scholarship Program, which rewards students demonstrating commitment to community service.

Don't forget to explore private organizations' scholarships - local businesses, community foundations, and charity organizations are known to offer scholarships for local students. For instance, East Tennessee Foundation Scholarships has an agreement with different donors to provide students in East Tennessee with aid.

Lastly, use Appily's (formerly Cappex) scholarship search engine tailored to match your specific circumstances and needs. You can filter based on your location, intended major, extracurriculars, and more to find scholarships that suit you.

Always remember to keep track of deadlines and submission requirements for each scholarship. While it can be a lot of work to apply, putting in the time can really pay off! So make the most of these resources, and best of luck!

8 days ago

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