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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Can anyone recommend top Christian colleges in the US?

I'm looking into Christian colleges to apply to and would appreciate some guidance on the best ones in the US. Does anyone have any recommendations based on academics and campus life?

a year ago

It's wonderful that you're looking into Christian colleges! There are quite a few well-regarded Christian institutions in the US that offer strong academics and vibrant campus life. I'd be happy to recommend a few for your consideration:

1. Wheaton College (IL) - Wheaton is a Christian liberal arts college that's well-known for its rigorous academics and strong emphasis on faith. Students have the opportunity to engage in diverse extracurricular activities, ministry, and service.

2. Pepperdine University (CA) - Pepperdine is a picturesque campus located in Malibu, California. Affiliated with the Churches of Christ, it provides a thorough liberal arts education along with a solid religious foundation.

3. Calvin University (MI) - Located in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Calvin is a Christian liberal arts college affiliated with the Christian Reformed Church. It offers strong academics and a close-knit community with opportunities for service, leadership, and spiritual growth.

4. Baylor University (TX) - Baylor is a Christian research university in Waco, Texas. It's the largest Baptist university in the world and offers an array of quality academic programs and extracurricular activities, grounded in a Christian worldview.

Of course, there are many other excellent Christian colleges around the US, but these are a good starting point. Good luck with your search, and feel free to reach out if you need more information!

a year ago

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