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What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

SMU requirements?

Hey! I'm a junior, and I'm seriously considering Southern Methodist University (SMU) as one of my top choices. Can someone give me an idea of what they look for in applicants (GPA, standardized tests, etc.)? I would appreciate any tips or advice for the application process too!

a year ago

Hello! I'm glad to see you're considering Southern Methodist University (SMU) as a top choice. When it comes to GPA and standardized tests, SMU has a 49% acceptance rate, and a median high school GPA of 3.7 (unweighted). For the SAT, they recently made it test-optional, but the middle 50% of admitted students previously had SAT scores between 1280 and 1460. For the ACT, the middle 50% range is 28-33.

Beyond your academic qualifications, keep in mind that SMU also looks for a personal connection to the school, extracurricular involvement, and evidence of leadership. Spend time crafting an authentic and engaging essay, highlighting your unique qualities, and showcasing your commitment to your activities.

It's also important to ask for recommendation letters early (preferably from teachers or counselors who can speak to your strengths). Make sure you visit the SMU website to learn about any additional application requirements, and most importantly, plan ahead, so you can submit your application by the deadline. Good luck!

a year ago

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