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Gymnastics scholarships: What's the deal?

I'm a gymnast in high school and considering ways to afford college. Does anyone know how scholarships for gymnastics work? Are there specific colleges I should target or certain skills I need to be eligible?

8 days ago

Gymnastics scholarships can indeed be an avenue to help athletes afford college. Most Division I and II schools offer athletic scholarships, including for gymnastics. The NCAA allows each Division I college to offer up to 12 full-ride gymnastics scholarships and each Division II college to offer up to 6 full-ride scholarships. However, not all schools choose to fully fund their gymnastics programs, and some provide fewer scholarships than the NCAA maximum.

The process for earning a gymnastics scholarship typically involves showcasing your skills and achievements, usually through competition and proper communication with college coaches. Athletes can start reaching out to college coaches as early as the summer after sophomore year. When communicating with coaches, be sure to highlight your achievements, and include a link to your highlight video if possible.

The skill level required for a gymnastics scholarship can vary between schools and divisions. A lot of it depends on the level of competition at that school or in that conference. Generally, for Division I schools, you should be competing at a Level 10 in USAG, or at least a Level 9 who is working to get a few Level 10 skills. J.O. Nationals or Eastern/Western Championships are often seen as the minimum competition level for Division I recruits.

Some universities may also look at factors beyond just gymnastics ability and could consider things like your academic track record. Knowing this, it's crucial to maintain good grades and demonstrate strong character, teamwork skills, and leadership.

Finally, remember to consider other factors like the school's reputation, academic programs, location, culture, and fit. Scholarships are excellent, but you should consider the overall educational experience as you make your decision. For example, a school might not have a top-10 gymnastics program, but it may offer substantial academic scholarships and have a stellar program for your major of interest.

8 days ago

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