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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Scholarships for a Perfect GPA

I recently finished a term with a 4.0 GPA! While it’s exciting, I'm trying to secure scholarships to cover future expenses. What scholarships are out there for students with a perfect GPA? I'd love to hear about any specific opportunities.

12 days ago

Congratulations on your stellar academic performance! Being able to maintain a 4.0 GPA is a remarkable feat, and it can indeed open up several opportunities for scholarships. Here are a few you could consider:

1. Burger King Scholars Program: Despite its playful name, this scholarship is quite serious. It’s for high school seniors who has at least a 3.3 cumulative GPA.

2. The Elks National Foundation Most Valuable Student Competition: This scholarship competition considers factors such as leadership and scholarship. A strong demonstrating of academic prowess like a 4.0 GPA would surely strengthen your application.

3. The Coca-Cola Scholars Program: This program focuses on individuals who have demonstrated academic and leadership excellence. Students with high GPAs such as yours often fare well in the selection process.

4. The Regeneron Science Talent Search: If you have a passion for science and research, this avenue might be of interest. This scholarship is awarded to high school seniors who create innovative research projects. Your 4.0 GPA indicates a strong scholastic aptitude that would work well with such a project.

5. Appily's Merit Scholarship Database: Formerly known as 'Cappex,' Appily offers a merit scholarship search tool where you can filter by criteria such as GPA and intended major, making it a great way to find scholarships tailored to your achievements and needs.

Remember to pay close attention to the specific requirements and deadlines for each opportunity, as they may vary greatly. In addition, consider looking into scholarships offered by the college or university to which you're admitted. Many schools provide merit-based scholarships that reward academic excellence, and a 4.0 GPA would likely place you in a strong position for such scholarships.

12 days ago

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