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Does Mesa Community College offer scholarships for international students?

I'm considering attending Mesa Community College as an international student. Are there any specific scholarships available for internationals at this college? Would love to hear about anyone’s experiences or tips on securing aid.

8 days ago

Yes, Mesa Community College (MCC) does offer a variety of scholarships for which international students can apply. Scholarships are awarded primarily based on merit and/or need, and the specifics can vary by scholarship.

MCC utilizes a centralized scholarship portal where students can complete one general application to be considered for multiple scholarship opportunities. It's advised for international students to prioritize scholarships that are explicitly open to them, as some scholarships may only be available to domestic students.

Moreover, you may look into external scholarships designed specifically for international students studying in the US. Keep in mind that you should never have to pay to apply for a scholarship, so beware of any so-called opportunities that ask for payment.

As for tips, the best advice is to apply early and apply often as many scholarships have early deadlines. In your application and essay, make sure to highlight any unique experiences, challenges you have overcome, and your goals during and after your study.

Also, maintain strong academic performance as it can increase your eligibility for more scholarships – just as a high GPA can open doors to academic scholarships, improving your English proficiency can do the same for certain merit-based and diversity scholarships.

I hope you find this information helpful and best of luck with your scholarship search!

8 days ago

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