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Academic competitions for high schoolers

Hey guys! I'm interested in participating in some academic competitions during my high school years to challenge myself and strengthen my college applications. What are some popular academic competitions that you'd recommend for high school students? Thanks!

a year ago

Hey there! It's great that you're seeking out academic competitions to challenge yourself and enhance your college applications. There are quite a few popular academic competitions that can cater to a variety of interests, so I'll list some here for you:

1. Science Olympiad: This competition covers a wide range of scientific subjects, including biology, chemistry, and physics, through various events and challenges.

2. Math competitions: Examples include the American Mathematics Competitions (AMC), Math Kangaroo, and the USA Mathematical Talent Search (USAMTS).

3. Robotics competitions: FIRST Robotics and VEX Robotics are two popular competitions for high schoolers interested in engineering and technology.

4. Debate and speech: Competitions like the National Speech & Debate Tournament (NSDT) and Model United Nations (MUN) are ideal for students looking to improve their public speaking and critical thinking skills.

5. National History Day: For students interested in history and research, this competition offers various categories to participate in, from documentaries to exhibits.

These are just a few examples, but there are many more academic competitions out there catering to different subjects and interests. Check out this CollegeVine article with a list of academic competitions for high schoolers:

Good luck!

a year ago

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