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What should I expect from the AP Calculus AB exam?

Hi everyone! I'm currently studying for the AP Calculus AB exam and I'm curious about the overall format. How's the exam structured and what types of questions should I expect to see? Any advice would be awesome, thanks!

a year ago

Hey! I can definitely give you some insight into the AP Calculus AB exam. The test is divided into two main sections: multiple-choice and free-response. Each section accounts for 50% of your total score. The entire exam lasts for about 3 hours and 15 minutes, including administrative time.

The multiple-choice section consists of 45 questions, with 105 minutes to complete it. It's further split into two parts: 1) 30 questions that do not allow a calculator, and 2) 15 questions that allow a calculator. The questions mostly test your analytical and problem-solving skills through various types of calculus-related problems.

The free-response section has six questions to be answered in 90 minutes. You'll be allowed to use a calculator for the entire section, but make sure it's an approved model by the College Board. This section tests your ability to solve real-world calculus problems, often incorporating multiple concepts within a single question. Some questions are more conceptual, requiring explanations and justifications for your answers.

As for advice, I'd recommend practicing with various types of free-response questions from previous exams which are available on the College Board website. Remember to brush up on the fundamental concepts and understand how they're connected. The more you practice, the more confident you'll feel on exam day. Good luck!

a year ago

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