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University of Toronto application process for international students

I'm looking into applying to the University of Toronto as an international student. How much is the application fee, and are there any fee waivers available? Any tips on the overall application process would be appreciated.

12 days ago

The University of Toronto has a single application fee of CAD 180 (approx. USD 140), which covers the cost to review your application to up to three programs at the university. You must pay this fee when you submit your application, and unfortunately, UofT does not offer fee waivers for international students.

As for the application process, it's primarily online through the Ontario Universities' Application Centre (OUAC). You will fill out the 105 application form - this form is for Canadian residents living abroad and international students applying to an Ontario university.

The additional compulsory 'Personal Profile’ (also known as the 'Supplemental Application') is something you should put considerable effort into. It comprises video and written responses in which you discuss your experiences, aspirations, and worldview. This is your opportunity to articulate why UofT is a good fit for you and vice versa.

Also, keep an eye on deadlines for different rounds. Earlier rounds generally have higher chances of admission and more positions available, so it can be of benefit to apply sooner rather than later.

In terms of academics, UofT, like most Canadian universities, places significant emphasis on the grades of your last two years of secondary school, specifically in courses related to the program to which you're applying.

Certification of English language proficiency is required for admission, so be sure to submit reputable tests such as TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge Assessment English, or the Duolingo English Test.

After submitting your application, you can monitor your status through the 'Join UofT' website, a portal for applicants.

Finally, since you're an international student, I'd also recommend checking whether your home country has specific requirements for studying abroad.

Best of luck with your application!

12 days ago

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