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Columbia University International Student Financial Aid Applications?

I'm an international student hoping to apply to Columbia University and was wondering about the financial aid process. How does it work for international students? Any specific forms or deadlines I should be aware of?

9 days ago

Columbia University is one of the few schools in the U.S. that practices need-blind admission and meets 100% demonstrated financial need for all admitted first-year international students. This is quite rare, as most U.S. colleges are aware of international students.

International students who wish to apply for financial aid at Columbia should do so at the same time they apply for admission. To apply for aid, you will need to submit the CSS Profile, which is a form administered by the College Board that determines your eligibility for non-government financial aid.

The deadline aligns with the admission application deadlines. Therefore, if you apply under Columbia’s Early Decision program, your CSS Profile will be due on November 15. If you apply under Columbia’s Regular Decision program, the deadline for the CSS Profile is January 1. Keep in mind, it takes several days for your CSS profile to be processed and to reach Columbia, so your actual submission date should be a bit earlier than the official deadline.

Also, remember that you will need to apply for financial aid every year and that your award from year to year can change based on changes in your family's financial circumstances.

Note that applying for aid as an international student is a one-time choice: if you don’t apply for aid during your admissions application, you will not be eligible to apply for need-based financial aid in subsequent years, unless your family experiences a significant and unforeseen change in circumstances.

While Columbia is committed to meeting your demonstrated need, any financial aid comes in the form of grants and work-study, not loans. The packages are designed to cover your tuition, fees, room, and board, but remember there will be additional costs like travel and textbooks that you'll need to plan for.

I hope this helps ease your concerns about applying for financial aid as an international student. Best of luck with your application to Columbia!

9 days ago

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