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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What are some summer leadership programs for high school students?

I'm looking to participate in a summer leadership program this year to learn new skills and meet other like-minded high school students. What are some good programs I should consider applying to?

a year ago

There's a variety of impressive summer leadership programs that you can consider joining! Some great options include:

1. The Junior State of America (JSA) Summer Programs — JSA offers engaging programs that focus on politics, government, and speech and debate. They take place at different college campuses, such as Georgetown University and Stanford University.

2. HOBY (Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership) Seminars — HOBY promotes leadership and community service for high school sophomores.

3. Global Youth Leadership Academy — Focused on developing young leaders, this program includes workshops, activities, and excursions to culturally and historically significant sites.

4. Summer Leaders Experience (SLE) at West Point — This one-week program, available for rising high school seniors, offers a glimpse into the leadership development and military training that a West Point education provides.

Don't forget to check the program websites for application deadlines and requirements. Additionally, research more about each program to determine which aligns best with your interests and goals. Happy applying!

a year ago

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