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How do I apply to McGill University as an international student?

I'm considering applying to McGill University and I'm an international student. I'd love to know more about the application process, deadlines, and any specific requirements. Does anyone have tips or advice for applying to McGill as an international student?

11 days ago

Applying to McGill University as an international student is a straightforward process, but there are a few steps involved.

Starting with the application basics, you will need to complete and submit your application through McGill's online portal.

Deadlines vary depending on the program you're applying to. For most undergraduate programs, the application deadline is January 15. However, you should view the specific program page on McGill's website to confirm the exact deadline for your desired program.

The application requirements for international students also vary depending on your educational background. In general, you will need to submit transcripts from your secondary school and any post-secondary education, if applicable.

If you have been studying in a non-English institution, you may be required to prove your proficiency in English. This can be done through several tests including TOEFL, IELTS, and others. The minimum score requirements can also be found on McGill's website.

McGill does accept Advanced Placement (AP) exam results and International Baccalaureate (IB) results, should you have them. You will need to send the official score reports for these.

You will also need to fill out a personal information form. They want to get to know you, your achievements, and your potential through the personal information form, so make sure to put thought into this.

Lastly, a key tip for applying as an international student is to start the process early. Applying for a study permit in Canada can take several months, so you'll want to prepare your application materials as early as possible.

McGill is a fantastic institution and they welcome students from all over the world. Good luck with your application process!

11 days ago

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