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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How do I apply online to Makerere University as an international student?

I'm interested in applying to Makerere University and need to know how their online application process works for international students. Is there anything specific I need to prepare for this?

7 days ago

Applying to Makerere University as an international student involves several steps. Here's a helpful step-by-step process to guide you:

1. Create an Account: First, you'll need to create an application account on the university's online admissions portal.

2. Online Form Completion: After setting up your account, you can log in and start filling out the online application form. This involves providing your personal details, academic record, program of interest, and other relevant information.

3. Document Upload: You'll need to upload scanned copies of necessary documents, including your high school transcripts, standardized test scores if applicable, and evidence of English language proficiency (like TOEFL or IELTS results) if you're from a non-English speaking country. You might need to have your documents translated into English, if that's not their original language.

4. Application Fee Payment: There's an application fee that you have to pay. Usually, the fee can be paid online through a credit card. Ensure you check the latest fee structure on the university's official website.

5. Submit the Application: Once you've double-checked that all your information is correct and that your documents have been uploaded correctly, you can submit your application.

6. Follow Up: After submission, ensure you regularly check your email or the online portal for any communication from the university regarding your application status.

Remember to start your application well ahead of the deadline to ensure that you have ample time to organize all necessary materials. Always refer to the university's official website or contact the admissions office directly for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Good luck with your application!

7 days ago

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