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What are some good art schools in the Chicago area?

I'm really into art and thinking about pursuing it in college. I've heard Chicago has some great art schools, but I'm not sure where to start. Can anyone recommend some standout institutions or programs in the Chicago area for art students?

6 days ago

There are many excellent schools for studying art in the Chicago area. Here's a shortlist of a few that are renowned for their programs:

1. School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC): This is one of the most distinguished art schools nationwide, highly recognized for its programs in a wide range of art specializations. Many successful artists have come from this school.

2. Columbia College Chicago: This is an excellent option if you're considering fields like fine arts, fashion, interior architecture, art history, and more. It's known for providing real-world exposure to its students and has a strong alumni network.

3. University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC): UIC's School of Art & Art History offers both undergraduate and graduate programs. Their facilities include extensive studio space, a gallery, and a design fabrication lab.

4. DePaul University: DePaul has a College of Computing and Digital Media, which offers a variety of programs ranging from Animation to Graphic Design. They emphasize hands-on learning.

5. Roosevelt University: Known for their smaller class sizes, Roosevelt offers an Art and Design program that provides a strong foundation and allows for interdisciplinary study.

6. Loyola University Chicago: Loyola also offers a strong Fine and Performing Arts program with several different areas of concentration.

In choosing the best art school for you, consider factors such as the specializations offered, the school's reputation, student-to-faculty ratio, opportunities for internships and exhibitions, and the overall University experience, to ensure a well-rounded college education. Ultimately, you'll want to pick a school where you feel you can thrive creatively and academically.

6 days ago

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