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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Insights on Ohio Wesleyan University?

I'm thinking about applying to Ohio Wesleyan University and I'm curious about what it's like. How's the academic scene and student life there? Also, are there specific programs or activities it's known for?

6 days ago

Ohio Wesleyan University, located in Delaware, Ohio, is a renowned liberal arts institution known for its rigorous academic curriculum, small class sizes, and dedicated faculty. With a student-faculty ratio of 12:1, the classes are designed to foster intense intellectual discussions and personal guidance from professors.

The academic environment at OWU is quite stimulating, with more than 90 majors and minors to choose from. Some of the distinct programs the university offers are the Theory-to-Practice Grant Program, where students receive funding for research or creative projects, and OWjL Camp, a summer camp for gifted middle-school students. Their Zoology program, along with the Early Childhood Education program, are particularly well-regarded.

OWU also boasts a vibrant and inclusive student life. With over 100 student-run clubs and organizations, covering everything from social activism to performing arts, there's likely a community waiting for you. Greek life is also prominent with representation of national fraternities and sororities providing additional opportunities for leadership and community service.

In terms of athletics, Ohio Wesleyan is a part of the NCAA Division III and their sports teams, known as the "Battling Bishops", are consistently competitive in a wide array of sports. Their men's soccer program is one of the most successful in the country at the Division III level.

Overall, OWU encourages students to "think big" and imparts a balanced education that combines solid academic grounding with numerous opportunities for practical learning, leadership, and community involvement. It may be a great fit if you're seeking a well-rounded college experience in a close-knit, supporting community.

6 days ago

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