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What Majors Does Kennesaw State University Offer?

I'm trying to narrow down my major choices and am interested in what Kennesaw State University offers. Are there any unique programs or highly ranked courses worth checking out for a prospective student?

6 days ago

Kennesaw State University (KSU) offers over 150 undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral degrees across a wide range of disciplines. It's impressive as the breadth and depth of its programs cater to various interests and career aspirations.

In terms of unique programs, KSU is recognized for its Architecture degree, one of the few in Georgia. Additionally, Kennesaw State's Southern Polytechnic College of Engineering and Engineering Technology is highly ranked and offers popular majors like Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Electrical Engineering.

If you're interested in business, their Coles College of Business is well-regarded, especially for their Coles Scholars program, which provides opportunities for experiential learning and professional development.

For students interested in the health sciences, the WellStar College of Health and Human Services offers programs in fields such as nursing, public health, and social work.

If you're undecided, the University's Exploratory Advising Center provides support for students trying to find the right major. So, rest assured that you would be guided well if not sure about precisely what to study.

Remember, the best major for you depends on your interests, goals, and strengths. It's worth researching more about each of these programs, seeing which ones align best with your career goals, and contacting the university admissions office or department heads for further information.

6 days ago

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