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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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UC acceptance rates for 2023 applicants

Hi everyone! I'm planning on applying to several University of California schools for Fall 2023 admission. I've been trying to find information about their acceptance rates, but it's hard to find anything recent. Does anyone know what the current acceptance rates are or where I can find reliable stats?

a year ago

Hello! I understand the struggle of finding updated information about college acceptance rates. The University of California system often posts their admission summaries on their websites. As of now, the most recent data available should be from Fall 2021, but it can still be quite helpful to get a general sense of their competitiveness. Here's the link:

You can also check the CollegeVine website, which has a chancing engine that provides the acceptance rates for over 1,500 colleges, including the UC schools. It's a great place for you to evaluate your odds of getting accepted, taking into consideration your academic and extracurricular profile. You can find it here:

Keep in mind that acceptance rates may vary from year to year due to fluctuations in application numbers and other factors. Therefore, while the data can be informative, it's important to focus on creating a strong application that showcases your unique qualities and fit for each school. Good luck with your applications!

a year ago

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