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Considering Ohio State's Environmental Science Major

I'm really interested in environmental issues and saw that Ohio State offers a major in environmental science. Can anyone share their thoughts on this program? Is it worth pursuing there, or should I look elsewhere?

26 days ago

Ohio State's Environmental Science program is well-regarded due to its broad, interdisciplinary approach. The program is designed to allow students to study both the biological and the physical world, but also focuses heavily on the human elements of environmental issues—which means you would be studying topics like policy, law, and economics, in addition to the more traditional sciences. This kind of broad perspective can be incredibly valuable in the environmental science field, which often requires its professionals to navigate complex socio-political factors.

Moreover, Ohio State combines in-depth academic learning with practical field experience. You'll get hands-on experience through lab classes, field trips, and internships, reinforcing the concepts you learn in class and giving you a clearer idea of what kind of career you might want in the environmental science field.

However, remember that the right school and program for you depend largely on your personal interests and goals. So while Ohio State's program is very strong, you should also consider what you want out of your college experience. If you have specific areas of interest in environmental science, for example, you might want to compare the courses offered by Ohio State against those offered by other schools you're considering. Also, evaluate non-academic factors like location, campus culture, and extracurricular opportunities, which can also significantly impact your college experience.

In all cases, I would encourage you to connect with current students or recent graduates of the program to get a first-hand account of their experiences. This can be really insightful and help you make an informed decision.

26 days ago

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