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How do I apply to San Diego State University?

I'm starting to look into colleges and San Diego State University caught my eye! Could someone explain the application process? Any tips for making my application stand out would be really appreciated. Thanks!

7 days ago

Absolutely, happy to help!

First, let's go over the application process for San Diego State University (SDSU). SDSU actually uses the Cal State Apply system, so you'll want to head over to the Cal State Apply website to begin your application.

In your application, you'll be asked to provide a lot of information, including your high school grades, your courses, and some personal information. For Cal State schools, your GPA and the courses you took in high school matter quite a bit, and there's no essay component, so you'll want to make sure you input this information accurately.

You may also want to report your extracurricular activities. While these schools focus primarily on your academic achievements, sharing your activities could help in the case where you're on the borderline between admission and being waitlisted. Just be sure to highlight any leadership roles or accomplishments in your descriptions!

As for your other items, remember to look up each due date. The application window for CSU schools typically opens on October 1 and the final deadline to submit applications is November 30.

Regarding making your application "stand out", remember that the Cal State school system is largely numbers-based. This means your performance in academics (like GPA and course rigour) makes a significant difference.

A piece of advice to boost your application would be to challenge yourself academically by taking challenging courses such as Advanced Placement (AP) classes if they are available at your high school, as these are factored into decisions. Doing well in those courses can demonstrate your readiness for college-level work.

Another thing to keep in mind is that while SDSU doesn't consider demonstrated interest officially in their admissions process, attending recruitment events can provide you a feel for the campus culture and programs, which indirectly could assist you in the process.

Hopefully I’ve managed to demystify the application process for you. Best of luck with your college applications!

7 days ago

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