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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What is special about the University of Vermont?

I'm considering applying to the University of Vermont but would love to know more about what makes it unique. What are its standout programs or features? How's the life in Burlington for students?

4 months ago

The University of Vermont (UVM) offers unique and compelling features that make it distinctive among universities. For starters, it's often considered a Public Ivy, meaning it offers an Ivy League education at a public school price.

Academically, UVM has highly respected programs in environmental studies and natural resources – fitting for a school located in such a naturally beautiful and green-conscious state. Its Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources is renowned nationwide. The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences is also outstanding, offering strong programs in areas like Animal Sciences and Plant and Soil Science. Additionally, UVM's College of Medicine is highly esteemed, making it a strong choice for pre-med students.

Burlington, where UVM is located, is frequently ranked as one of the best college towns in America. It's a vibrant, progressive city with lots to do. Located on the shores of Lake Champlain and near the Green Mountains, it's paradise for outdoor enthusiasts who love activities like hiking, skiing, and biking. Its downtown area, Church Street Marketplace, is full of shops, restaurants, and music venues, offering plenty socializing opportunities for students.

UVM's commitment to community service and social justice also stand out. There are numerous opportunities to get involved in the local community or to engage in service-learning courses. The student body is generally described as friendly, environmentally conscious, and active. You'll often find students skiing or snowboarding on the weekends in the winter, and hiking, biking, or sailing in the summer.

In summary, UVM combines rigorous academics, a vibrant social scene, an outdoor-oriented lifestyle, and a passion for service and sustainability. It offers a unique blend of academic and extracurricular opportunities that are hard to find elsewhere.

4 months ago

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