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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Exploring Baylor Majors

I'm curious about the majors offered at Baylor. Can anyone share insights about the variety and flexibility of programs there? I'm particularly interested in sciences and humanities, but I want a school that supports diverse academic interests.

5 days ago

Baylor University definitely has a broad range of majors and programs across various disciplines. For your interest in the sciences, Baylor boasts research-rich programs in Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Neuroscience, and many others. The university emphasizes undergraduate research and offers many opportunities for hands-on experience.

In terms of humanities, Baylor has a breadth of options such as History, English, Philosophy, International Studies, and various foreign languages. The University also hosts a specialized Honors College which is designed to cultivate critical thinking and provides a unique liberal-arts style education.

Exploring diverse academic interests at Baylor is encouraged. The university allows students to double major, minor, or even design their own major (Bachelor of Arts & Sciences), which allows you to blend courses from various disciplines to meet your unique academic and career goals.

In addition to the wide range of academic programs, Baylor offers a thriving study-abroad program and a number of extracurricular activities that can supplement and enhance your academic journey. As an example, the university has an undergraduate research program that gives students the opportunity to work closely with faculty on projects.

Overall, Baylor is a well-rounded institution with wide-ranging academic programs, and its flexibility permits students to fully explore their diverse interests and tailor their studies towards their specific career objectives.

5 days ago

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