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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What are some good math programs for high school students?

Hello everybody! I've been trying to improve my math skills and explore new aspects of the subject, so I'm curious if there are any math programs specifically designed for high school students. I know there might be some summer camps or after-school clubs, but any recommendations or advice would be appreciated!

a year ago

Hey there! It's awesome that you're looking to improve your math skills and explore new aspects of the subject. You're right, there are summer camps and after-school clubs available for high school students, some of which are highly regarded. A few programs you might want to look into include:

1. Ross Mathematics Program: A summer program focused on number theory for students interested in deep, creative exploration of mathematical ideas.

2. PROMYS: A six-week summer camp at Boston University for students seeking an intensive research experience in mathematics.

3. Math Olympiad Summer Program (MOSP): This program prepares students for the International Mathematical Olympiad and offers in-depth training in problem-solving skills.

4. Math Circle: While not a structured program, Math Circles are after-school or weekend clubs that engage students in solving fun and challenging math problems.

Remember, you can also reach out to your school's math teacher or counselor for more recommendations specific to your interests and location. Best of luck on your math journey!

a year ago

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