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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How good is a 3.70 GPA when applying to colleges?

What's up, guys? I'm a junior with a 3.70 GPA, and I'm curious about how it might affect my college applications. Is a 3.70 GPA considered competitive for top-tier schools?

a year ago

Hey there! A 3.70 GPA is definitely a strong starting point when applying to colleges. However, keep in mind that top-tier schools can be incredibly competitive, and many admitted students have even higher GPAs. Of course, GPA isn't everything, and schools do look at other factors like standardized test scores, extracurricular activities, and essays.

To help you gauge where your GPA might stand, look up admission data for specific colleges you're interested in and see what the middle 50% GPA range is. If your GPA falls within that range, you're more likely to be competitive. Don't be discouraged if your GPA is lower, though. You can still work on improving it during your senior year and making your application stand out in other ways.

Regardless of your GPA, remember to focus on building a solid application with well-written essays, strong letters of recommendation, and unique extracurricular involvements. Best of luck with your applications!

a year ago

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